ankle & sole relief
Be honest, how often do you feel like you need to stretch your feet? We often complain about tight hamstrings or an achy back but the root of most of those pains starts with our feet. Whether we have flat feet or a slightly tilted ankle can make all the difference to how we stand, walk and feel throughout the day. It’s a good idea to add a proper foots stretch now and then into our routine. here is one that works both sides. You can also show your feet some love by giving them a refreshing massage and a good old soak.
ankle stretch
- Sit on the back of your heels with the feet and knees firm together.
- Take a deep breath in and place your hands flat just by the side of your knees.
- As you exhale, lift up the knees and put the weight on your toes, keeping your soles close together. Keep the neck long.
- Hold this stretch for about 15sec, then gently release.
sole stretch
- Same position as above, but this time you tuck your toes under.
- Sit up straight and take a deep breath in.
- As you exhale, lean back, keeping the back and neck straight.
- Firmly keep the toes tucked under, you should feel a stretch in your soles.
- Hold this stretch for about 15sec, then gently release.