Every morning I have a glass of warm water. That is pretty much the first thing I do, right after waking up. For this I just simply mix regular cold water with - roughly - a …
Hip Stretch Tutorial
Hip Flexors Stretch 1 + 2Lengthening the hip flexors can help to reduce lower back pain as well as tightness in the buttocks. Also, opening up the hips can release stress, …
Foot Stretch For Dancers
ankle & sole reliefBe honest, how often do you feel like you need to stretch your feet? We often complain about tight hamstrings or an achy back but the root of most of …
How To Save Time After Shower
I don't know if it was the weather but my workouts have been particularly sweaty lately! The good news, any toxins and bacteria that make their way out through your pores will …
Yummy Warming Winter Tea
Hot Apple With SpicesI'm a big tea, matcha and occasional coffee drinker. I also love to experiment with ingredients. I altered this mulled cider recipe that I found on …