Hip Flexors Stretch 1 + 2
Lengthening the hip flexors can help to reduce lower back pain as well as tightness in the buttocks. Also, opening up the hips can release stress, increase blood flow (as with all stretches) and thus help you relax.
Here’s how to do it
- Get on your knees on your mat, with your knees hip distance apart
- Try not to rotate the pelvis forward by engaging your core
- Breath in and as you exhale take a large step forward with the right foot
- Make sure you can see your toes
- Straighten up your back
- Take another deep breath in and as you exhale, sink into that stretch
- Hold this position for about 15sec
- Repeat on the other leg
- Take another deep breath in and as you exhale, lift up the left foot
- Pick up the toes with your right hand and as you exhale, pull that foot towards your bum
- Hold this for about 15sec
- Repeat on the other leg