there’s magic in smudging
As the signs are changing from Gemini into Cancer, we also coincidentally march right into a full moon in ambitious Capricorn. A good time to do some magic and set new intentions, but also to take score: What have we achieved so far since the last new moon? Cancer season draws us inwards and we should focus on our inner peace, relationships and our home. BUT Capricorn is lies directly opposite of Cancer, it is a pragmatic sign that doesn’t like any unnecessary fuss. This full moon can bring up the classic clash between the heart and reason, however in this case my advise is always to follow your gut instinct. Go outside and root yourself in nature. Or just make a cup of herbal tea and cosy up for a while.
If you find yourself to be in an energetic rut, here’s a guide on how to smudge. Personally, I prefer to smudge in the morning as I make my coffee. If you’re into magic, wait until it gets dark and you can actually see the moonlight. You might find yourself to feel more in tune with what you want to manifest or even if it’s just a cleanse.

an incense love story
I was never one for incenses, I never liked the smell. I don’t know why but I guess I must have bumped into some particularly spicy ones that smelt more of caraway than anything else.
But that changed about the same time I discovered the barre workouts. The studio I went to always smelt amazing. I never really questioned it but the scent had such a strong effect: overtime you enter it and get a good whiff of the smell, your brain instantly knows that it’s time to relax. Even though I’m about to do a tough workout, this right here is some well deserved me time. I felt instantly relaxed and home the minute I walked in. Scents really have that power.
One time I asked what is it and she pointed out a stack of incense in front of her. She said it cleanses and refreshes the air of bacteria and other smells. I was sold and bought three packs. Ever since, I’m faithful to Nag Champa incenses, and I also used to use them in my classes to set the mood. Incenses are magic. I have done my research and it appears the cleansing aspect is true: Sage for example does have antimicrobial properties. This means they keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay. And don’t we need this more than ever?

the benefits of smudging
More so, sage can also keep insects away, lavender gets rid of moths and any incense will purify the air. When I say purify, I don’t mean in a Febreze kinda way. Yes, it will get rid of any kitchen smells after cooking but it also gets rid of negative energy. This practice is called smudging.
Traditionally white sage is used for smudging. Studies have shown that it contains compounds that can even alleviate insomnia, stress and can therefore improve the quality of sleep.
Other studies have shown that white sage can help to treat anxiety, depression and mood swings. This is traditionally associated with banishing negativity. This applies to people, spaces and even objects. You can smudge your work desk after a difficult day and annoying e-meetings. It helps to dissolve any negative energy that could be attached to this area, even your laptop. Any bad energies will be cleared when you smudge. This helps to create a new fresh positive environment, ready for you to start afresh or simply just to sit and journal, meditate or engage in any other relaxing routine. Why not light an incense when you’re having a bath?
Smudging is a ritual and should be done with intention. I do it almost every day. Because we spend more time at home due to home office etc, it is probably nw more useful than ever to smudge your home on a regular basis.

If you’re new to smudging, here’s a quick and easy tutorial
what you’ll need
- A smudge stick, incense, incense cone. Try white sage or Nag Champa if you’re a first timer.
- Have something ready to collect the ashes. This can be a pretty ceramic bowl or a wooden incense holder.
- A lighter, matches or a candle to light the smudge stick or incense.
- Ideally have a scented candle ready or pour some essential oil in an oil burner.

set the tone
- Make sure you’re relaxed and you have a quiet minute to yourself or with your loved ones. Smudging should not be rushed or done in a hurry or in bad mood. Relax and enjoy the process.
- Light the smudge stick or incense with a candle until it smoulders and releases thick smoke. You can smudge yourself, any objects and of course, your house. Close all windows and go in to each corner of the room making sure the rooms are full of smudge.
- Once you finished the smudge, leave it for a little while and then open the windows so the negative energies or kitchen smells can leave your space.
- Afterwards, you can light a nicely scented candle or put your favourite essential oil in the oil burner. This is to evoke positive fresh new energies after it’s been cleansed. Now is a really good time to mediate, journal, relax or just enjoy a freshly cleansed place, free from any negative energies.