Magnesium Magic
We’ve all been there: We motivate ourselves, go to that class, work really hard, sweat a lot and the next day we can’t get up. But it’s certainly not because we didn’t sleep well. Those muscles are ACHING. Well, that can be fixed. The answer is MAGNESIUM. Yep, it can be that simple.
Fact is: Magnesium is a body requirement that helps regulate muscle contractions. It’s important to have sufficient amounts of magnesium to allow muscles to relax. If there are low levels of magnesium, muscles may contract too much, which can cause pain.

there are several ways to take in that important mineral. Here are a few
- Eat magnesium rich food. Full of magnesium are leafy greens, seafood, nuts and beans. How about a banana before bed? Or make a yummy nightcap with melted raw chocolate and some oat milk (my fav!). It helps your muscles to relax overnight.
- Take a bath! Surely you have heard of Epsom salt. Well, that’s because it really does help. Use a cup or two full of that precious salt and let it dissolve in water. The heat will do you good and the salt will fight any soreness. If you’re really suffering from a lot of pain or even migraine, I’d recommend showering before your bath. I know it sounds like a lot of hassle but it’s best to bathe “clean” with no other foamy product in the bathtub. When you finish your bath, don’t rinse your skin. Gently pat yourself dry and let the Epsom salt do even more work overnight.
- Make a Magnesium spray on the go! You can use the same Epsom salt you used for your bath and make a handy spray out of it. Use half a cup or less of the salt, take another half a cup of hot water, mix it up and let the salt dissolve. Then pour it into a spray bottle. You can spray the aching area directly with that salt and gently massage it in. The bonus is, you can take it with you. Use it within a day or two.
- Make your own magnesium cream. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think and it works the same way the spray does. On the plus side, the oils help the mineral to penetrate the skin better. You can use simple coconut oil you right already have in your kitchen. Heat up two spoonfuls until it’s liquid. While the coconut oil is cooling down, stir in a teaspoon full of Epsom salt until you get a smooth paste. Leave it to cool and store it in a cool place. You can use an empty jam jar or a small metal tin. Feel free to scent it with a couple of drops of your favourite essential oil. Voila!